
Welcome to the official SarahJeanJacket website! Scroll on for made from scratch recipes, book reports, tips on healthy living, and a whole lotta self-love.

- Sarah Jean


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Hi, I’m Sarah and I am a Healthy Lifestyle Coach!

I am one month away from graduating the Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Program. I am actively seeing clients and have had lots of success! So far my clients have experienced weight loss, an increase in energy, consistently good moods, higher productivity, more clear-headed, more confidence in making quick meals and snacks at home, eating more vegetables, and consistent self care and exercise habits. Email me with questions or use the scheduler below to get a free consultation and start experiencing these benefits for yourself!

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Healthy History Consultation

SarahJeanJacket Book Club:

2020’s Favorite Reads

Best Of Recipes


Rice Porridge

Savory porridge made with the leftovers from any roast bird. Minimal waste for maximum flavor. Great for a crowd.


Fermented Jalapeño Hot Sauce

Spicy, tangy, fermented, endlessly adaptable, probiotic hot sauce.

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